Effects of teacher-implemented explicit writing instruction on the writing self-efficacy and writing performance of 5th grade students


  • Erick Falardeau Université Laval | Canada
  • Frederic Guay Universite Laval | Canada
  • Pascale Dubois McGill University | Canada
  • Daisy Pelletier Université Laval | Canada




Explicit writing instruction, writing performance, self-efficacy, argumentative writing


Meta-analyses indicate that explicit writing instruction (EWI) is an effective method for improving student writing self-efficacy and writing performance. EWI relies on explicit instruction of writing strategies through modeling, scaffolding and self-regulation. Most EWI-based interventions have been conducted by researchers, generally with subgroups of students or on a one-on-one basis, and very few have been conducted in other languages than English. Our quasi-experimental study aims to address these limits by testing EWI’s effects when teachers themselves intervene using peer feedback during the writing of opinion letters. We used practice-based professional development to teach teachers how to use EWI, and compared two experimental conditions (EWI with and without peer feedback) to a control group (Business as Usual). A total of 483 French-speaking 5th grade students participated in the study. Results from repeated measure analyses showed that, with or without peer feedback, the EWI intervention produced better writing performance and higher self-efficacy compared to the control group. We discuss the role of EWI for writing performance and self-efficacy.


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How to Cite

Effects of teacher-implemented explicit writing instruction on the writing self-efficacy and writing performance of 5th grade students. (2024). Journal of Writing Research, 16(1), 1-38. https://doi.org/10.17239/jowr-2024.16.01.01

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