Unveiling mirror-writing: Exploring the phenomenon in typically developing children within the Greek school context


  • Eleni Kanitaki University of Queen Margaret | United Kingdom


Mirror-writing, Greek-Letter Reversals, Visual-Perceptual Skills, Writing Development, Greek Alphabet


Mirror-writing has consistently intrigued researchers throughout the years. This study is the first to explore Greek-letter and Arabic-digit reversals from typically developing children within the Greek School Environment. The hypotheses were: (1) Visual discrimination, visual memory, and visual-spatial relationships skills will negatively correlate with the occurrence of character reversals, (2) Left-oriented symbols will be reversed most frequently, (3) Children from year 1 will exhibit fewer reversals than children in nurseries. To test those predictions, 117 children (4.5 to 7.5 years) were recruited from Greek nurseries and primary schools. Character-recognition tasks were conducted, and children’s visual-perceptual ability was measured. Moreover, participants produced capital Greek letters and Arabic digits under dictation. Results yielded a significant negative correlation only between visual-perceptual skills and digit reversals in the total sample, suggesting that children with higher visual-perceptual skills tend to produce fewer digit mirrorings, unlike letters. Furthermore, left-oriented characters were significantly mirrored the most. Finally, only digit reversals were significantly reduced by year 1, probably due to the limited knowledge of letters by children in nurseries. Implications, and suggestions for future research are discussed.


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How to Cite

Unveiling mirror-writing: Exploring the phenomenon in typically developing children within the Greek school context. (2024). Journal of Writing Research. https://www.jowr.org/jowr/article/view/1277

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