The KLiCKe Corpus: Keystroke Logging in Compositions for Knowledge Evaluation


  • Yu Tian Arizona State University | USA
  • Scott Crossley Vanderbilt University | USA
  • Luuk Van Waes University of Antwerp | Belgium


Corpus, Keystroke logging, Writing quality


Despite the growing interest in the dynamics of the writing process in writing research, publicly available large-scale corpora of keystroke logs have been rare. We introduce KLiCKe, a freely available collection of keystroke logs for around 5,000 argumentative texts written by adults in the United States. The KLiCKe corpus also includes human-rated holistic scores for the essays as well as writers' demographic details, their typing skills, and vocabulary knowledge. We describe our methods for constructing the corpus and present descriptives for different components of the corpus. To illustrate the use of the KLiCKe corpus, we report a study using a subset of the corpus to investigate whether keystroke features are associated with holistic writing quality for L1 and L2 writers. The study shows that higher writing scores are related to shorter pauses in general, shorter between-word pauses, lower proportion of deletions, higher proportion of insertions, and less process variance. The KLiCKe corpus provides a robust resource for researchers to study the dynamics of text production and revision that will help spur the development of process-oriented tools and methodologies in writing assessment and instruction.


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How to Cite

The KLiCKe Corpus: Keystroke Logging in Compositions for Knowledge Evaluation. (2025). Journal of Writing Research.

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