Preservice teachers’ preparedness to teach writing: Looking closely at a semester of structured literacy tutoring


  • Hannah Carter Boise State University
  • Jadelyn Abbott Weber State University
  • Katherine Landau Wright Boise State University



Pedagogical Content Knowledge, PCK, Preservice teacher education, preservice teachers, PSTs, writing instruction


Preparing preservice teachers (PSTs) as teachers of writing has gained attention in recent years, but little is known about their preparedness when engaging with student writers over extended periods. We examine PSTs’ preparedness to teach writing within a structured literacy tutoring experience to better understand the skills and knowledge of PSTs related to teaching writing. Results indicate PSTs contextualized writing instruction, considered clients’ affect around writing, and used data to inform writing lessons. PSTs were also grappling with specific pedagogical considerations related to writing instruction, offering implications for teacher educators and researchers.    


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How to Cite

Preservice teachers’ preparedness to teach writing: Looking closely at a semester of structured literacy tutoring. (2022). Journal of Writing Research, 14(1), 77-111.

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